Wednesday, May 26, 2010

~ wHeN iT's JuSt mE & y0u, wHo kNoWs wHaT wE c0uLd d0 ;) ~

ever have that person in your life that you just can't give up on? the one person that can screw you over time after time,but you always give them another chance and there is always another chance waiting for them.the person you know you're better off without but you can't seem to let them go. having this person in your life,it doesn't make you weak, it just means you have a weakness. there is no way to stop loving them, so don't bother to try...but don't let them define your life, either. it's yours, and yours alone.

dear YOU,

I know you used to spend every day thinking about him and dreaming about him, and everytime he walked by you lost yourself, I might not know what that feels like. And I couldn’t possibly know what it feels like to have that person not have the same feelings back. Look, I'm sorry if you miss the way he looked at you, but I think you shouldn't miss that.

Sad isn't it? How no matter what you do or say to him... when he comes running back... when he needs you again... you'll be there... right there waiting for him, you'll take him back... no questions asked. Sad isn't it?

but dear YOU,

Some people can just move on, you know. They mourn and cry and then they're done with it or at least appear to be. But to you, I don't know. I didn't want to fix it; I didn't want you to forget it. It wasn't something that was broken, it was just something that happened. And I want you to find ways, everyday, of working around it. You're respecting and remembering it, but you should getting along with your life at the same time.

Sometimes, there are things in our life that aren't meant to stay. Sometimes, change may not be what we want. Sometimes, change is exactly what we need. And sometimes, saying goodbye is the hardest thing you think you'll never have to do, but sometimes, saying hello again is the thing that breaks you down and makes you more vulnerable than you ever though possible. Sometimes, change is too much to bear. But most of the time, change is the only thing saving your life.


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