Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Press Statement on


Viva Palestina Malaysia is utterly shocked and outraged at the blatant and murderous act of aggression committed by the Israeli armed forces against the Flotilla carrying desperately needed aid to Gaza. Early reports indicate several deaths and injuries to an international group of peace activists whose sole intention is to break the illegal blockade of Gaza imposed by the government of Israel. That this attack took place against unarmed and defenseless civilians in international waters is all the more grievous and criminal. There was absolutely no necessity for force and all deaths and injury are simply reprehensible.

The Israeli government continues to invite world scorn in its despicable treatment of the Palestinians and this latest incident is another ghastly and cowardly stain on its appalling human rights record. The Israeli government has continuously denied their involvement in any siege of Gaza but this attack in itself is an admission of Israel’s explicit complicity in the genocide of an entire people.

The presence of many Malaysians on board and other international peace activists is of grave concern to Viva Palestina Malaysia and the Malaysian public. Viva Palestina Malaysia, taking cognizance of this critical turn of events in international waters, do hereby:

a. CONDEMN in the strongest possible term this latest round of aggression by Israel on the Freedom Flotilla;

b. HOLD the Israeli government totally responsible for the lives and well being of all volunteers on board the Freedom Flotilla;

c. DEMAND the immediate release of all the volunteers and urgent medical care be given to the injured;

d. URGE the United Nations and all democratic nations of the world to do everything possible to end wanton killings of innocent peace activists on the Freedom Flotilla;

e. DEMAND that all the aid destined for Gaza be released with immediate effect;

f. SUPPORT any move by the Government of Malaysia to ensure the safety of Malaysians on board the Freedom Flotilla and continue to champion the Palestinian cause in their aspirations towards freedom, justice and self determination.

source: mindacergas.wordpress.com

Ya Allah sebagai mana Kau pernah menghantar burung² ababil untuk
menghancurkan tentera bergajah Musyrikin. Maka kami memohon padamu ya
Allah, turunkanlah bantuan-Mu kali ini kepada org² Islam di Palestin,
hancurkanlah rejim zionis sedahsyat-dahsyatnya.. Amin Ya Robal Alamin..

do keep on praying people...it's one of our hope