it was exhausting but super duper exciting...
how can I describe the feeling of being up there?
the air was so cool
the sceneries were eye-soothing
the heart feels a sense of tranquility
the companions were so amazing.
mesmerizing, comfort and humility, perhaps.
how great of His creation.
peeps, you should try too =)
to be with nature...
is the chance you have to grab
once in your life.
experience it, then you can feel it ;)
wahhh..dah smpia broga hill..jeles2.
arghh nk pergi!
giler ahhhh,
mu g sabah dop kb !
azaH: hehe...jom sm2 naek plk =)
ika: SERONOK....hehe.jom r =)
cha: ape kelas kbo kt mu. naseb baek aku x upload gmbo mount kinabalu
berani mati kalo mu upload.
trs gambo tu ak save, upload, tagged kt fb papa. HAHA
haha....bagus gop
sbb aku xbrani nk wat
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