Monday, July 27, 2009

~ iF i hAvE 0nLy a MoMeNt... ~

sowry la sgt2 nie...haish3....nk mngeluh pun x elok...huhu
new xtvt...involve in big asek meeting nk bfoya-foya pun da ciput.haha.bsuka ria jea yg tau... ;D

juz requesting 4 a moment- to rest properly...
- to appreciate others' concern...
- to focus on my last minute assingment ;p
- to spend time surfing d internet...haha
- to ronggeng2 wif ma fren...
- to manje2 dgn ehem2...hee...

only a mau...huhu... =(

Thursday, July 9, 2009

~ i come...whee... ~

~ d bride n groom ~

hee….jgn tkezut plk bc tajuk blog nie.huhu…ari 2 tgh xde watpe cuti2 nie so ada r bukak sum1 punye blog….dia da nk kawen….getting married…wah…besh3 (gedix plk ;p)…so dia story r sume preparation yg dia wat….even simple jea mjles 2….pun da telan bajet rm10,ooo…ape kes….ish3….me pun xde dwet sbanyak 2…2 br jea majles...x cmpur preparation laen lg...huhu...ada r dlm rm 40,ooo ko.thaish...xbley kawen lg r nmpknye…hak2…gtal nk kawen plk….blaja pun tunggang langgang lg…asas umah tangga lg r ntah kemana.ngeh3….

bkn ape….juz xcited ble bc blog dia….cm lbey xcited dr org nk kawen plk.haha. dia prepare sume by herself….sume dia manage sndiri…mmg r ada org tlg dia…. tp kre cm sume dia plan sndiri r….xde nk mitak ntah ape2 punye wedding planner tlg pun…so kre me pun nk plan sndiri jea r jgk nnti (aiseh….maen tru2 plk…hee…).iye r….bley save bajet ape.huhu.brangan jea lbey yerk cik ila…hehe. xde ape pun….juz wanna share sumthing dat makes me tetibe jd cm xcited sgt….huu…xtau r kna angin monsun mane nie…ngee….

tp….xcited cmne pun….i noe s2dy comes 1st than wedding nie….huhu…so dun wori….still fokus s2dy…even result pun cm hampeh jea…aiseh….asek tsenyum sorg2 jea wat blog nie…ngada2 btol yerk….da pkr nk kawen nie…da ada calon ke?uhuk3….tbatok sy…ntah r…. hee…. mungkinkah???? =p…. hny org yg bkenaan jea yg tau…tettttt!!!!…

so k r….moral of dis blog is…. (ceh3)….xde nk inform dat ape2 pun matter dlm idop kte nie better r kte plan sndiri….even ada r ’sum1′ 2 salu r bebel kt diri nie yg xpndai wat decision sndiri….my bad….so plan r sendiri…coz satisfaction yg kte dpt 2 x tnilai hrganye n kte mmg akn rs puas ati sgt dgn ape yg kte da plan (2 pun klo plan properly r…heee…).lastly,ble da kawen 2….ckp psl kawen lg….pndai2 r uruskan umah tngga….pndai jea bg nsht yerk.huhu.wokeh….ape2 pun juz take care of urself =)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

~ i h0pE miNE so0n hAvE tHeSe t0o... ~

You HAVE to read all of them and if you don’t you’re going to come across with problems in your relationship for the next month!

1) Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about….

2) Guys are more emotional then you think, if they loved you at one point, it’ll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.

3) Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile(:

4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.

5) Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?..uh…nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he’ll assume he did something wrong and he’ll obsess about it trying to figure it out.

6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don’t need to give advice.

7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.


9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.

10) If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.

11) If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he’s probably faking it and he is really thinking about something

12) When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is Guys rarely say that

13) When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he’s just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me”

14) If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn’t happen that often, so when it does, you know something’s up.

15) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he’s definitely thinking something.

16) Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them

17) A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl’s mind for a day.

18 )No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He’s just too stubborn to admit it

19) NOT ALL GUYS ARE RUDE!!! Just because ONE is RUDE doesn’t mean he represents ALL of them


21)Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life

~ sUmTimEs i WiSh... ~

Life sumtimes can be hard…n suddenly bcome easy…4 most people i think…including me…hee…kdg2 klo pkr2 blk(time mngelamun r nie knonnye =p) still byk pkara yg cm sumthing wrong sumwhere…tp ape2 pun life must go on…ceh3 =).x elok klo nk nyesal pun…uish…xbaek…xmo2 cm2 =p.kna bsyukur jea k…ape yg kte dpt 2 msti d best utk kte…maybe…i also dun know ;)

wut i’m gonna share is sumtimes i wish anything can be as i wish… sume org pun nk cm2 mane mungkin kn…xlogik 2…nie bkn magic nk maen sbot pkataan mlalot then tadaa…impian tcapai… x mungkin2…mission impossible 2…

tp laen r klo ada usaha kn(ckit pun bley r…asal ada suda…hee…).tp 2 r ada prob laen plk…mood usaha nk dtg 2 kdg2 jea…klo rs nk dtg ada r…klo xde means mood 2 xnk dtg r(dgil btl mood nie) .huhu… then sumtimes dtg time plk xseswai(i olwez feel like dat)…nk wat cmne kn…tp ape yg sy wish nie sume xmungkin tjadi(kott)

sumtimes…i wish…everybody likes me…everybody loves me…wants 2 b ma fwen…tp xmungkin r kn…msti ada jgk pkara dat i do yg bley wat org rs annoy or cm nyampah jea…tp 2 r…cfat org kn bbeza… xbley r nk satisfy sume org kn…amboi2…tp i did wut d best i can do…klo ada yg xske 2…sowry n neva mind k…i dun bother it…ada jgk ke org yg xske org laen without no reason???hurm….xpe r 2…

next…sumtimes…i wish…everybody ikot jea ape yg sy nk…huhu. selfish btol….fish laen pun xcm2.hik3…knfem r xbley ikot sume kn…ngada2 nk jd bos plk(aik?kutok diri sndiri?)…2 r…so skrg… i teach maself 2 have more patience…so bley r consider psl kehendak org laen jgk…yeah…

last da r...xbley gtau byk2...hehe...sumtimes...i wish i only have gud times in ma relationship... xkre r relation dgn sp pun...femili ke...fwen ke...boypren ke...huhu.dgn ikan dlm akuarium kt umah 2 2 r...not possible jgk kn...msti ada bad times...kna r cm thrill jgk r cool =)

neway…klo review blk…cheh…cm pntingkn diri sndiri btl…ada r ckit kot…kna jgk be a selfish person kdg2 kn…tp i try 2 suit it in certain condition…ape yg psti…i realize dat maybe it’s true…maybe we dun know wut we have until we’ve lost it…but maybe it’s also true dat we dun know wut we’re missing until we find it…so appreciate jea r ape yg ada skrg…n preserve it supaya xjd worst in d future k =)

last but not least…

Thursday, July 2, 2009

~ y c0nFeSSi0n fRoM L0cKhEaRt ~

y i named dis blog "confession from lockheart"?np maself also dun noe...hehe...juz when i started 2 wat blk blog nie...tetibe ayt nie cm revelation g2.hik3...bley cy ke?

i think maybe bcoz ati ku tkunci kot...iye ke????bkn2...da nk dkt setaon pun kakaseh busyuk ku dok pegang kunci ati ku 2.hehe...xprnah pulangkan lngsung...
KEDEKUT!!!! :-D.hehe...

no r...d true reason is i really dun noe y...but i can say dat in dis blog i'll tell certain matters dat i've never told anyone b4...either ma femly,frens,lover or any "thing" dat i may speak to.huhu.2 sy bley pastikan... =).so kre seswai jgk r 2 dberi tjuk cm2...kan..kan..kan...bcoz sume dr skrg i try 2 unlock d content.hahahaa...


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

~ tupai....sm0kes...~

wat to say....aiyo0...awl entry pun da problematic.huhu...walaupun agk memalukan kesah ku tetap ingin share jua.haha (ayt ntah ape2).d pagi yg indah pd ari nie...bgn tdo....n afta melakukan ape2 yg ptot 2...saye pun dgn cm wat2 bsemangat r nk memulakan ari yg baru.huhu.wlaupun my days r still d same...i tot...d wktu cuti tgh bcuti skrg...spt akn mnjadi full-time house wife as sume org g skola...shaye da x skola.haha.da2...hentikan merapu-rapu(ada ke pkataan nie?hee...)

utk djadikan cite...knonnye r...spt bese...kna jemur baju...lps bfast...basuh pnggan...kmas ape2 yg ptot...n skrg nie ada keje tambahan plk...TAKUTKAN TUPAI.haha...sbr jea r...papa ku yg tchenta nie...mentang2 r sygkan sgt buah2 durian dia yg sdg dlm proses utk gugur ke tanah 2...pagi2 b4 g skul 2 slalu jea r pesan suh hambat tupai2 yg ingin memiliki khazanah dia 2.huhu.amat bmakna pesanan 2.hee...xde lg father laen yg psan cm2 kt daughter rsnye...hehe.shaye pun dgn slalunye mlakukn pmerhatian yg tajam thadap incik2 tupai yg cute tp uninvited 2.*wink*.lwk jgk tiap kali nmpak incik2 squirrel lari mnyelamatkn diri.haha.xsdr plk keadaan diri yg bising duk hambat tupai2 tuh....haish....ape2 jea r

klimaksnye kt cni sbnrnye...ntah ape2 jea r cite kt ats 2.huhu...dsbabkn sume x lunch kt umah ari shaye kna r pndai2 nk idop...msk sndiri...ajat d ati nk wat telor tumis...da siap rebus n goreng telur 2...siapkan r tumisan plk...da 2 ltk r telur 2 kt dlm kn...wah3...bau da mnusuk jantung,kalbu sume r (cm sdp sgt r knonnye).smentara tnggu msk 2 g r sapu kt ruang rehat jap...ku sangkakn ku da ttop api dgn lenggang smbil bnyanyi gumbire ku mnyapu...smpai r ada bau yg mnusuk idong n kcutkan pankreas mnerjah...chewah...segera r ku mnuju ke superwoman g2...da hanget pun sdikit telor2 msih bley dmakan dgn seleranye oleh perut ku (lpr sgt kn...telan jea nyah....) (^-^)

so...less0nnye...jgn mnyapu...haha...shaye mmg xske bab mnyapu nie...haish...bkn...bkn...moral of d story is...jgn tnggalkan api dapur tpasang laen kali yerk cik ieyla...tnggu aje r smpai msk...xpyh gtal2 nk g melencong kt tmpat laen.huhu...2 r da tobat...isk3...