Tuesday, July 7, 2009

~ sUmTimEs i WiSh... ~

Life sumtimes can be hard…n suddenly bcome easy…4 most people i think…including me…hee…kdg2 klo pkr2 blk(time mngelamun r nie knonnye =p) still byk pkara yg cm sumthing wrong sumwhere…tp ape2 pun life must go on…ceh3 =).x elok klo nk nyesal pun…uish…xbaek…xmo2 cm2 =p.kna bsyukur jea k…ape yg kte dpt 2 msti d best utk kte…maybe…i also dun know ;)

wut i’m gonna share is sumtimes i wish anything can be as i wish… sume org pun nk cm2 kot.hehe.tp mane mungkin kn…xlogik 2…nie bkn magic nk maen sbot pkataan mlalot then tadaa…impian tcapai… x mungkin2…mission impossible 2…

tp laen r klo ada usaha kn(ckit pun bley r…asal ada suda…hee…).tp 2 r ada prob laen plk…mood usaha nk dtg 2 kdg2 jea…klo rs nk dtg ada r…klo xde means mood 2 xnk dtg r(dgil btl mood nie) .huhu… then sumtimes dtg time plk xseswai(i olwez feel like dat)…nk wat cmne kn…tp ape yg sy wish nie sume xmungkin tjadi(kott)

sumtimes…i wish…everybody likes me…everybody loves me…wants 2 b ma fwen…tp xmungkin r kn…msti ada jgk pkara dat i do yg bley wat org rs annoy or cm nyampah jea…tp 2 r…cfat org kn bbeza… xbley r nk satisfy sume org kn…amboi2…tp i did wut d best i can do…klo ada yg xske 2…sowry n neva mind k…i dun bother it…ada jgk ke org yg xske org laen without no reason???hurm….xpe r 2…

next…sumtimes…i wish…everybody ikot jea ape yg sy nk…huhu. selfish btol….fish laen pun xcm2.hik3…knfem r xbley ikot sume kn…ngada2 nk jd bos plk(aik?kutok diri sndiri?)…2 r…so skrg… i teach maself 2 have more patience…so bley r consider psl kehendak org laen jgk…yeah…

last da r...xbley gtau byk2...hehe...sumtimes...i wish i only have gud times in ma relationship... xkre r relation dgn sp pun...femili ke...fwen ke...boypren ke...huhu.dgn ikan dlm akuarium kt umah 2 ke...hee...tp 2 r...not possible jgk kn...msti ada bad times...kna r cm thrill jgk kn.hik3.br r cool =)

neway…klo review blk…cheh…cm pntingkn diri sndiri btl…ada r ckit kot…kna jgk be a selfish person kdg2 kn…tp i try 2 suit it in certain condition…ape yg psti…i realize dat maybe it’s true…maybe we dun know wut we have until we’ve lost it…but maybe it’s also true dat we dun know wut we’re missing until we find it…so appreciate jea r ape yg ada skrg…n preserve it supaya xjd worst in d future k =)

last but not least…


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