Tuesday, January 12, 2010

~ HeLL0 R0mAnTiC0 ~

11 Januari 2010 ( Isnin) - 11.45pm

waktu berpisah:-

gf: shafiq...thanks sangat2 ari nie...bye. (dengan nada gembira)

bf: wokeh. happy birthday. (tersenyum). eh...orang terjumpa kad tadi. ada tulis nama ila. (sambil hulur kad)

gf: ........................ (terkejut, terharu, senyum sorang2)

tiba- tiba dia bertindak romantik. impress. excited =))

even it's only a birthday card. means a lot to me. coz kad tersebut ditulis oleh orang tersayang. dengan rasa kasih sayang untuk orang tersayang.hehe. I really appreciate it dear busyuk2... boleh pulak buat innocence ea.hehe.x0x0 =D.

* tamat di sini ayat2 jiwang...heee.... * * bermula ayat2 serius =p *

apa ada pada 22 tahun???
usia sudah meningkat, tapi perangai masih macam budak- budak. as my age increases, i think the more childish i've become.apa boleh buat?hehe.

sekarang saya sudah mula untuk think about future seriously. about my education, my relationship, my LIFE. only one thing that always disturb me- my self confidence! saya selalu terfikir, boleh ke saya teruskan? boleh ke saya capai impian?

but now, i know i have to make a good decision. i've always thought that things aren't going to be fair in the real world. even if karma happenned. it's just the way it is. sometimes fate just can't stop meddling. there are some people that can achieve bright future without doing much but some, like me have to fight well in achieving good life.

this year, i just hold on to this principle, "do not afraid of life, follow your instinct, and be yourself!" and that really give me a boost of strength. I didn't see it coming, but I can definitely feel it. I long for the strength.

p/s: also need prayer from all =))


Mirae said...

good luck ila. sweet sgt. haha

~ iEyLa mYa ~ said...

heee....thanks....malu sy ;p
gud luck to u too =))

Kartika Azmi said...

alalalalala huhu

~ iEyLa mYa ~ said...

ika: heee.... *wink*