*love u all so much*
I know about a true story...suatu petang, tiga beradik pergi ke satu pesta jualan bersama ayah mereka. tetapi sebelum itu, ayah mereka pergi ke bank untuk mengeluarkan duit dan meninggalkan tiga beradik tersebut untuk meng 'explore' barangan dulu. sekembalinya ayah mereka ke pesta tersebut, beliau bercadang untuk kembali ke pesta tersebut pada malam hari... mereka sekeluarga pulang tanpa membeli ape-ape barang. at night, baru the siblings know that their father tidak dapat mengeluarkan duit pada petang tadi...tanpa sebab yang munasabah.
this story touched me because their father put his children's needs as the priority even though he knew he did not have enough money. and he can not afford to buy his own things with full satisfaction.
as for me, i absolutely agree that money is important. duit amat penting untuk hidup di zaman ini. however, i know that money can't buy happiness as it is so precious. at such time, baru nak sedar kesilapan2 yang dah terlanjur sebelum ini.huhu.so to my family, i love all of you so much with all my heart...above all things.no matter what happen.
p/s: moral of the story..kena lebih berjimat coz malang tidak berbau.we never know what might come people =)
family lagi penting !
yup2...paling pnting...huhu
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