Friday, December 31, 2010

~ I LoVe YoU, I nEEd YoU ~

it's not easy to be me. when I'm around you.
I don't know how to make jokes with you as sister always do.
I don't know what to talk with you, compared to mama.
I want to tell you everything that happened in my life.
or maybe because I'm the eldest, you make me be independence.

but at time like this,

I really want to be by your side, I want to give you strength.
PAPA, do hold on. please get well soon.
I long to see your smile again.


Kartika Azmi said...

get well sooooonnnn

tirramishyu. said...


ak suh g spital, tp both mls blake g.ngeh2..tome3 kte degiy molepla.

Anonymous said...

b strong..
insyaAllah ngan izin Dia, papa smbuh 6ti..juz kne bersbar je..
be strong!!

~ iEyLa mYa ~ said...

ika: amin.thanks =)

cha: kte doa jea laaa...huhu

ano: amin...tgh bsabar la nie...hehe
thanks :)