Sunday, September 6, 2009

~ u cannot enter my window anymore...juz stay outside... ~

have u ever went to a university (in mesia k) dat has unique attraction???
such as...
every person in d 'u' has to ride bicycle
all are wearing same

u can find d below creature just outside ur window ;p

yup...u can c dis creature at uia k...

so here i am,waking up quite la
te in d morning...
namenye pun hol
iday kn

after washing some clothes...
da nk jmur 2
tetibe r rum8 cm jerit2 mnja gt
au psl kwujudan 'incik kera'
*siap tau jantina lg...h
dgn xcitednye r capture d pic of d creature
*ntah ape2...huhu*
siap bley wat storyline lg k
so here how it goes....

time nie...ktorg mata btentang mata dgn 'incik kera' nie yerk...
wokeh...stop it ;p

so...citenye...lps da dpt mknan (roti gula)
*makhluk tsebot croboh msuk tngkap blik yerk 2 get d food*
dgn snang atinye ia nk menjamu selera d bln pose nie...
mai r plk femili yg laen...wah3...wat a heppy femili ;D

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