Saturday, December 12, 2009

~ H0pE d SkY iS aLwAyS bLuE ~

twinkle twinkle little stars

I always prefer to look at the sky when I have bad feelings about my life.The sky is so wide, the moon and the stars just make me feel better.How great the creations of God.

Life without problems is not cool right?So I guess I have to bear with all the troubles that are competing to rush into my life.Yet, the most troublesome dilemma is when it is related with your feelings.How could I ignore others' feelings?Can I be that selfish?Just thinking of it makes me feel guilty.

My father used to tell me that memory is a good thing to be remembered, either it was the good one or the bad one.But papa, your daughter is not strong enough to bear with all of the memories in her life.I try hard to delete all the bad memories in my mind.I wish I have a quite large and enough space of dustbin to dispose all the memories.How fool I am to think something like that.But I know I actually have to learn from the bad memories.For better future.So that I will never repeat the same mistakes again.Thanks for your advice papa.Your daughter understands the situation now =)

To my Soulmate, sorry for giving you a lot of troubles. I know I have to understand you better. I need to be more mature person.How childish I am right?And I have to struggle hard to maintain this feeling towards you.Saya masih bertahan dear.

Sekarang, listening to Love You Yes-Couple::while looking at the sky::finish this entry.Now I feel relieve and great.

Hope the night sky will always been occupied by the moon and the stars ;D

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